Grow, shrink or status quo? Exploring the future of EM operations
Inflect Health’s own Dr. David Feldman to speak at StEMiX 2021
Grow, shrink or status quo?
Such is the question to be posed by Inflect Health’s own David Feldman, MD, MBA, FACEP, BCCI at this year’s inaugural StEMiX virtual conference, otherwise known as the Stanford Emergency Medicine Innovation Symposium.
The event, taking place virtually Tuesday, April 13 from 8am- 2:30pm PST, is a first-of-its-kind conversation dedicated to precision emergency medicine, and the creation, integration, and dissemination of innovative tools and ideas.
StEMiX will feature an ensemble of nationally recognized thought-leaders speaking on the future of emergency medicine, and more specifically how we can use precision emergency medicine to effectively care for our individual patients and communities. Live and pre-recorded presentations will be made available to attendees and interactive, dynamic conversation sessions will also be in effect.
Dr. Feldman will be in great company, joined by a number of other emergency medical practitioners to discuss a wide range of topics at the forefront of conversation within the healthcare community. Among some of the other topics queued up for discussion;
- Looking beyond the Emergency “Department”
- How Telehealth changes the future of Emergency Medicine
- Are the Unicorns in Emergency Medicine?
- AI/ML in Emergency Medicine
- Addressing Bias in the Future of Emergency Medicine
- Innovations in Precision Medical Education
Last but not least, StEMiX will serve as an opportunity to network with like-minded visionary clinicians, executives and technology innovators on ways to navigate the future of EM operations.
Interested in taking part in the discussion?
General registration for StEMiX is $99, while SAEM/ACEP/AAEM members and students/residents will be granted free admission. Register here for StEMiX!